(apropos of nothing, the wonderful art of Denis Bodart)
This was an interesting surprise. I didn't really know how to teach a workshop so I just taught in my normal way, and people were surprised that it was, for all intents and purposes, a class. I was surprised because most of them weren't in comics classes.
Since most weren't in comics courses, this was just an enhancement to their Academy experience, and I ended up covering stuff that you guys largely know well:
Comic Book Production,
Marvel style vs. full script
Head and Hands (just various points to remember, goofs to avoid),
Finding the horizon in relation to characters,
Basic rules of perspective
Some common perspective errors,
Using side of pencil, blue pencil, stiff wrist to lay out,
Line of action,
Uses/benefits of spotting blacks,
Spotting blacks by keeping it simple, consistent, vis-a-vis light source,
Avoiding "Twins, "
My "Three Masters" shtick (the need to simultaneously serve gesture, volume and shape in figure drawing).
Drawing "Through"
All in one free three-hour session! Such a deal! Next week is an inking lab, probably with some more on perspective thrown in. I can't imagine everybody not benefitting from this. After two more weeks, the Wonderful Mr. Dan Cooney steps in for three weeks.
Try to come next time! Maybe I'll even get it together enough to warn you in time.